The Official Home of the DC Statehood Green Party
Although we're few in numbers, we win the war of ideals...
Statehood Greens believe that big money donors corrupt the objectives of politics; DC has shown and proven that money can get you what you want--and leave those without money behind...our proposals of Small Vendor Equity, raising taxes on the wealthy and ending tipped wages have rubbed the rich the wrong way...that's how we know we're on the correct side of the money issue.
Our party was founded in 1971 as the DC Statehood Party, later joining with the Green Party of DC in 1999. We are an affiliate of the national Green Party. Though we champion a variety of socio-political issues, our chief issue is unequivocal statehood for DC, upon which this party was founded. We honor our heroes, sheroes and elders. We are a party of unabridged inclusion. We seek your labor, request your loyalty and want your vote.
The DC Statehood Green Party is a legal and district-sanctioned political party operating in the District of Columbia. The DC Statehood Green Party is not for sale. We do not accept corporate bribes. And our platform is unapologetically progressive. JOIN US NOWPUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT, DC STATEHOOD GREEN NOTICE:
DCSGP General Assembly Meeting
Martin Luther King Memorial Library
901 G St NW, Washington, DC 20001
Register STG here, from which you will surely benefit...
Vote!STG is your best and realistic choice for responsible and accountable political party affiliation. Contact us now!
I wonder what DC would look like if there was diveristy in our political structure? Every person elected to the [DC] Council is a Democrat! Even the "Independents" are former Democrats? I'm so disappointed in, what is said to be a "progressive" city.
The reactionary legislating of our [DC] Council is typically par for the course. I'm really hoping for some substantial change there. Same Democrat methods have shown me the same failures in leadership--year after year. I registered Statehood Green so that I could mesh and vision with political forward-thinking.
I wish I could say I'm optimnistic about the District's future, but way those leading here have me thirsting for some new direction. The way we deal with the human element in DC made me end my affiliation with the DC Democratic Party--after 35 years! The Statehood Greens seem to get it.
Your Statehood Green team worked hard before the 2020 election to come up with a perfect solution to the crisis of homelessness that met our needs for the District; unfortunately, the Mayor didn't listen. Every team member did their job well and I appreciate it.
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