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The REAL Green Team

The Official Home of the DC Statehood Green Party

Although we're few in numbers, we win the war of ideals...

Welcome to

Statehood Greens believe that big money donors corrupt the objectives of politics; DC has shown and proven that money can get you what you want--and leave those without money behind...our proposals of Small Vendor Equity, raising taxes on the wealthy and ending tipped wages have rubbed the rich the wrong way...that's how we know we're on the correct side of the money issue.

Our party was founded in 1971 as the DC Statehood Party, later joining with the Green Party of DC in 1999. We are an affiliate of the national Green Party. Though we champion a variety of socio-political issues, our chief issue is unequivocal statehood for DC, upon which this party was founded. We honor our heroes, sheroes and elders. We are a party of unabridged inclusion. We seek your labor, request your loyalty and want your vote.

The DC Statehood Green Party is a legal and district-sanctioned political party operating in the District of Columbia. The DC Statehood Green Party is not for sale. We do not accept corporate bribes. And our platform is unapologetically progressive.



DCSGP General Assembly Meeting

Jennifer Ellingston

January 23, 2025, 6:30pm

Martin Luther King Memorial Library

901 G St NW, Washington, DC 20001

Unequivocal Statehood for DC
In these 50 years since the institution of Home Rule for DC, we demand unequivocal statehood which would give us democracy and self-government including: · Local authority within the District over our three branches of government: legislative, executive and judicial. · The elimination of all Federal government committees and sub-committees that have oversight or appropriation power over DC. government. Complete and equal voting representation in the United States Congress.
Living Wages
Social media management solutions can help you manage outbound and incoming online interactions — along with other small business marketing activities — in an efficient manner.
New Green Deal
Email marketing provides an effective connection with your targeted audience and gives you the best return on investment, including reaching out to your customers.
Term Limits
As a party, we believe that unlimited office holding has not worked well for Washingtonians. As evidenced in the 20-year saga of former Councilmember Jack Evans, incumbency can be lethal to the politics of inclusion, transparency and change...
Affordable Housing
Users enjoy visiting sites that are aesthetically appealing and easy to navigate. Let our team help your site make an outstanding first impression with speed and accessibility.
Charter Schools
Content strategy is becoming steadily more critical to successful marketing both online and offline and in order to help your growth you need to ensure you have something captivating.
Tax Equity
DC must come to the realization that failure to care for the underprivilidged and underserved of the District, along with a widening of the wealth disparity gap, only creates public safety crisis of acute proportions. We proposae and support initiatives that bring equitable outcomes in the District's socio-economic structure.
Reparations Now!
We support official acknowledgement of and apology for the U.S. government's role in the trans-Atlantic slave trade, and reparations to slave descendents. The DC government should enact its own reparations legislation, notwithstanding its continued advocacy for passage of a national reparations bill, H.R. 40.

The frontier now is set for Statehood…equality for all men & women will remain but a dream, if we elect to silence the damage of the past and fail to balance the scales of injustice.

We, More Than Deserve, To Be A State...


tell us
  • DC pays the most taxes in the nation
  • Crime & Youth Violence
  • Election Reform
  • Housding Justice
  • Support by Phone & Email

Net Collections Per Capita

tell us
  • District of Columbia: $37,642
  • Massachusetts: $18,278
  • Connecticut: $14,456
  • New York: $14,296
  • New Jersey: $14,042

Higher Than the National Average

tell us
  • D.C. residents tend to have large incomes, compared to the other 50 states. Incomes per taxpayer in D.C. are 40% higher than the national average.
  • Decrease Nuclear Stockpile
  • Continued Gender Equality Agenda
  • Copywriting
  • 24/7 Support


$129.27 billion
tell us
  • DC’s gross domestic product is larger than 17 states.
  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Social Media Management
  • Remarketing
  • Content Management

Do You Need A New Party Affiliation?

Register STG here, from which you will surely benefit...

Statehood Green Leadership

Statehood Green Heroes & Sheroes in Memorium

Vote!STG is your best and realistic choice for responsible and accountable political party affiliation. Contact us now!



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Contact us

You can contact us any way that is convenient for you. We are available 24/7 via fax or email. You can also use a quick contact form below or visit our office personally.

Opening hours

  • Mon–Fri: 10:00 am–2:00 pm
  • Sat–Sun: closed